Welcome to FACT Bucks
Families and Carers Together – Buckinghamshire’s Parent Carer Forum. We are an independent group of parent carers and professionals who meet to discuss real issues that affect children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Buckinghamshire. The forum aims to participate and co-produce better outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families.
FACT Bucks News
Annual Survey of Parent Carers
It’s time for the annual FACT Bucks Parent Carer Forum survey This is an influential survey open throughout February...
Could you be a FACT trustee?
Join us as a Trustee Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and young...
ADHD webinars and slides now available
This series of 3 half hour webinars will inform and empower you about what can be done to enable...